
Personal Goals:

  • Become more organized: This has been an ongoing goal of mine since I was in high school… sad, I know. I just can’t seem to get my act together when it comes to organization. It has never really been an actual problem per se, but just a nuisance. For the most part, this organized chaos has been more of an eye sore than anything else, but now I am finding it annoying due to the fact that I often lose things, trip on clothes, break little trinkets on the floor. I turned 25 years old in June, became a registered nurse in August, and I think September should be my month to grow up and get organized! It’s going to take many little steps for this to be possible, but I am going to try to stay focused and committed to this task. We’ll see how it goes!
  • Find a nursing job: This task sounds a lot easier than it actually is. Unfortunately, it seems that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” when it comes to landing a job at a hospital. Throughout nursing school I did pretty well, stayed on the Dean’s List every semester, helped out with a few activities outside of school, AND I also have 4 years of patient care experience working on a Mother/Baby unit in a Georgia hospital. I would think that all of those factors combined would seem pretty great to someone reading my resume, but apparently not. I have actually only been licensed for about two weeks now, so I am going to give the job search another month or so before I start to worry. I really hope to be employed as a registered nurse by the end of September.
  • Focus less on looks: Ugh. This is going to be the hardest for me. I am definitely my harshest critic and I really do not stop the critiquing ever. My body image issues have been a problem for as long as I can remember (my first thoughts of getting cosmetic surgery were in 6th grade) and I would just love for them to go away. I feel like overall, I have gotten a lot better this year, but I would like to progress even further by 2011. I am going to try a technique I learned during my psych rotation of nursing school called thought stopping. This is a really easy and effective way to get rid of intrusive negative thoughts. You literally just say to yourself “stop” when you find yourself thinking negative things. After “stopping” the thoughts, I hope to replace the negative with something positive and see how that goes. This personal goal is going to take a very long time for me, but like I said earlier…my goal right now is just to see some progression, I don’t expect to be fully cured by January 🙂

Fitness Goals

  • 5k: This fall I hope to sign up for and complete between 3 and 6 5k races. I am setting a goal of under 30 minutes for my first run and I will slowly taper that time for each race after. Yay for cool weather and free 5k shirts!
  • Yoga: I desperately want to find a gym or organization that offers yoga/hot yoga classes at a decent price. I have never tried yoga but hear only good things about it.
  • Start biking: Why not? I love being active outdoors and need to switch things up soon. I love walking but it’s much better for my body (and mind) to change activities every so often. I really enjoy biking and my first goal will be to buy a bike, haha.
  • Hike more: Hiking is SUCH a fun activity to do outside. I used to go on many different trails last year, but once summer started creeping in, gave it up for the season. Now that fall is around the corner I hope to incorporate lots of hiking into my weekends!

I will slowly be adding more goals to this list as well as crossing things off after I feel that I have done a sufficient job of achieving them 🙂

Goals for 2012:

Be happier! Moving to Georgia has been a huge shock to the system. There isn’t much around here that brings me joy: the weather is unbearably hot, my crazy friends are all in NJ and I rarely talk to any of them anymore (sad but true), the friends I do have here are all busy with their own lives, there are not enough sidewalks for me to go on walks, and most of my family is still up North aside from my mom and sisters. I have slowly started to feel less like myself and more like a muffled version of myself with no motivation, goals, or joy other than these two beautiful babies (and my husband….80% of the time 😉 )

S0000, the next few months will be used to focus on Brianne. I need to feel happy and whole again. Looking back on my old blog posts made me realize that while I was very body/looks-focused (not even close to as bad anymore thank god), I was still much happier. Time to get that feeling back!!

Just a warning: this blog is meant mostly for me to just get my thoughts down. This will be full of rambling, random pictures that most people find pointless, etc. I am just allowing others to read on the off chance that there is anything in here that interests them i.e: babies. Enjoy.


3 thoughts on “Goals

  1. Hey I am such a stalker now that I follow your blog but I have to tell you about a good place to do yoga for 5$ a class with no commitment since you mentioned it above. Rubber soul yoga– http://www.rubbersoulyoga.com/
    It’s on Pulaski st. & I’ve been going for like 4 years now. It really helps with some of the things you discuss like body image and changing the way you think.

  2. Yes you would do great. Generally women are natural at yoga because we are more flexible. I brought walker to a class & it was hilarious- zero flixibilty! For beginners I would recommend going to Kate’s class or any of the classes with women teaching. You’ll see the teachers names on the schedule. The men that teach are usually more intense. If you decide to try it, let me know and maybe I can meet you there. It’s usually easier to try something new with a friend there to laugh with you. Anyways, just look up the schedule online & come 5 minutes early to sign their waiver & that’s all you have to do! You can use their mats that they have & if you decide you like it just buy your own to bring. I generally pay 20$/ month or 3$ a class. The teachers don’t get paid so they don’t require memberships with crazy prices. You should try it!

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